Ulster County Genealogical Society

Board of Trustees

President                                       Audrey M. Klinkenberg
Vice President                                Marny Janson             
Trustee - term expires 12/31/25      Dory Zwart

Trustee - term expires 12/31/26      Nancy Chando
Trustee - term expires 12/31/27       Cyndi Bishop    


President Audrey Klinkenberg
Vice-President Marny Janson
Recording Secretary Robin Bernier
Corresponding Secretary Nancy Chando
Treasurer Dory Zwart
Librarian Suzanne P. Smedes

Standing Committees

"The Genie" (Newsletter) Committee
Audrey M. Klinkenberg
Chair / Editor-in-Chief

Membership Committee
Marny Janson

Research Requests
Audrey M. Klinkenberg

                                If you are unable to visit our library, you are invited to submit research requests.  Our small volunteer staff will be glad to
                                answer minimal requests.  Please follow all of the following guidelines:
                                        Limit the quantity and scope of your requests accordingly.
                                        Include as much detail as possible so that we do not duplicate your work.
                                        Be very specific as to what you are looking for.
                                        Provide your mailing address, as well as your email address, in the body of your email.
                                Please note:  You may be billed for copier fees and mailing costs.

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